Friday, August 26, 2011

3-8-11 practical Artificial intestines

Test for Starch

  1. Place 1cm^3 of the unkown sample in the test tube
  2. Add a few drops of iodine solution
  3. Shake well
  4. If starch is present, the solution in the test tube will turn blue-black
  5. If starch is absent, the content in the test tube will be yellowish
Test for Reducing Sugars
  1. Place 2cm^3 of the unknown sample in a test tube
  2. Add 2cm^3 of Benedicts Solution
  3. Place the test tube in a beaker of boiling water
  4. If reducing sugars is present, a precipitate will form, and will turn from yellow to orange to brick red
*If reducing sugars is absent, the content of the test tube will be blue
Factors that Affect Solubility

  • Temperature
  • Nature of Solute (Sugar, Salt)
  • Nature of Solvent (Water, Oil)
  • Rate of dissolving
  • Rate of Stirring
  • Temperature of Solution
  • Size of solute particles

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