Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Skills and Attitudes to Science

  • A creative person will seek innovative and relevant ways to solve problems and particularly challenging ones.
  • An example is that even before Wilbur and Orville Wright had invented airplanes, scientists went into creative pursuit such as studying of mechanical flight by Leonardo da Vinci to designs of gliders by Sir George Cayley, the Father of  Aerodynamics 
  • A good scientist is always curious about how and why things happen around them, near or far. When there is questions, it will lead people to make observations and thus gain new understanding of the environment, and they might also go explore deeper thus having more new findings.
  • You must never let your belief or first impression prejudice the influence the way and experiment is conducted, analyzed or reported.  
  • It is very important for you to be flexible and be willing to change your views if the evidence is convincing. This is very important especially when you work as a team with many members, and all of them might have different views from each other.  
  • It is to pursue a problem until a satis factory solution is found even when initial results may not be what you expect. As every failed experiment is an opportunity to learn.
  • An example is that, Thomas Edison the inventor of the light bulb, had tried 3000 metals that did not work for a filament before he found one that could work. And some more he made EIGHT THOUSAND AND ONE attempts to find the right material that can hold an electric charge in a battery.
  • Another example is that Albert einstein probably had Aspergers Syndrome, a type of autism widely stated that he was dyslexic ,but there is some controversy about this. But he overcomed difficulties and he was a brilliant atomic physicist, probably most famous for his Theory of Relativity. 

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